Adapt and Thrive Marketing Ideas

The current pandemic is challenging business owners across the nation to get creative and get out of their comfort zone to keep their businesses generating sales.

We teamed up with Minna and Jacqueline of The Product Boss to give you some tips to market your product-based business during this time followed by an open Q&A.

Marketing Your Products Through Covid-19

Should I be selling my products right now? What should I do if all of my selling options are canceled?

Minna and Jacqueline of The Product Boss both agreed the answer is “Yes” you should be selling your products during the crisis! You are an entrepreneur and business owner. You must pay your bills and provide products for consumers. As devastating as the Covid-19 crisis is, the economy must continue to move. As for markets and in person selling events all being canceled due to the Covid-19 crisis. Minna and Jacqueline both stated that as a creative and self-starting entrepreneur you must adapt and create new avenues to sell your products.

Marketing Tips

Minna and Jacqueline delivered great marketing tips…

  • Grow your online presence - All businesses are transitioning to digital marketing in order to sell their products. This does not mean you cannot connect with your consumers. Make your messages fun, engaging and relatable.

  • Creative selling is what will set your business apart form others - Get creative. Utilize different social media tools to help you market your products such as IG TV, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live.

  • Post often - Customers buy from businesses that are consistent. Post daily and do not forget to be creative with your messaging.


Q1: I noticed other companies post via social media all day, every day. I’m assuming we should be beefing up our social media presence. Is there a such thing as over saturating my customers with post?

A1: There’s no such thing as over saturating your customers. No matter how much content you throw out, you will never connect with 100% of your audience. Some types of messages may appeal to some people, other messages may not. Our advice… “Post more! Keep showing up on social feeds.”

Q2: What are a few effective ways to gain attention on social media during this time?

A2: Show yourself and be relatable. Make use of your social channels. Stories, videos, and IGTV are ways you can switch up your messages and gain attention.