The Sisterhood Behind the Alpha Collection Collaboration

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With an appreciation for fine artisanal craftsmanship, authentic African fabrics, and respect for each other’s brand, Vivian Asoegwu of Hibara Stores and Melissa Parker of Emish Company teamed up to create The Alpha Collection.

This limited-edition collection is exclusive to Makerhoods; the one-of-a-kind men’s accessory sets include crossbody chest bags, caps, and face guardians/face masks. The designs are uniquely bold, and the sisterhood behind the two founders of the collection deserves to be celebrated!

When Melissa and Vivian serendipitously met in 2019, they had no idea it would lead to a long-lasting friendship and the birth of The Alpha Collection.


The Chance Encounter that Led to Sisterhood

Melissa’s brand, Emish Company, uses high-quality, authentic, Ankara African fabrics and she is always on the search to find new materials that speak to her. In 2019, Melissa spotted Hibarastores, an all-in-one custom clothing shop with African fabrics, on a visit in East Orange, New Jersey with her husband and son. Hibarastores sells handmade fashion accessories for women, men and kids featuring African print fabrics, leather, feathers, beads, and wood.

Upon entering, they were greeted by Vivian.

Melissa and Vivian connected immediately.

Vivian walked Melissa through the selection, explaining what each fabric meant and what it could be used for; they talked about their respective businesses for an hour.

Staying in touch through Instagram, a month later Vivian called Melissa. She saw Melissa sharing her participation in pop-ups on social media and was wondering how her experiences were, which turned into a conversation about production, fabric sourcing, and solutions for the dilemmas they were having with their businesses.

Vivian mentioned that she was going to Nigeria towards the end of August and offered to get fabric for Melissa—this was the start of them collectively sourcing fabrics together.

Vivian and Melissa had many conversations that ended with “we need to have our own accessories pop up shop!” A date was selected and their joint pop-up event was named “Afro Beats & Accessories”! They had their first successful event in Maplewood, New Jersey in November 2019. It was a cultural experience where they ate Nigerian hors d’oeuvres, showcased headwrap tutorials, and mingled with their guests.

There is no competition between us. We both make accessories but there is one lane for you and one for me. When you win, I win and vice versa.
— Vivian Asoegwu of Hibara Stores.

Melissa and Vivian make it their duty to always help each other out. Even though they met in 2019, they got closer in 2020 during the pandemic. It was a difficult time in business, but they spoke almost every day and night as they got to know each other better and sewed together.

 They are forever grateful for each other and their friendship that has evolved into a sisterhood. 

“The importance of friendship in the business community is that you feel less alone and more heard. Having someone that’s in the same market as you, as well as have the same experiences, is great!” says Melissa.

We are going to share information and advice; we are not in competition because we are sisters.
— Melissa Parker of Emish Company.

Diamond Cheek, Digital Marketing Coordinator

Diamond Cheek is currently studying Digital Marketing in the Masters Program at Rutgers University-Newark. She has also received her Bachelors of Science at Rutgers in Leadership and Management. Over the years, digital marketing and content creation, have become a passion of hers which has lead her to apply her skills to the virtual and physical business world.