Mahogany Blu Design: The Art Behind Candles

Simone Bailey Campbell and Kyle Campbell of Mahogany Blu Design share the heartfelt beginnings of their entrepreneurial journey.

We had the opportunity of speaking with Simone as she told us about the motivations, challenges, and processes of Mahogany Blu Design.

What is your inspiration and motivation?

When people ask us what we do, I usually smile and say we sell happiness and joy. We are multi-disciplinary artists. Our candles are art that you interact with. It’s an opportunity to share the love, the joy and passion that is created in the process and that is passed on in use for yourself or as a gift.

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When and how did you learn how to make candles?

I first made candles to honor the lives that had transitioned from the September 11 attacks. The candles became an addition to my senior project at the Savannah College of Art and Design. My major was Furniture Design. The piece consisted of multiple candles that stood on top of rods projected from a wood base. The piece told the story of the souls ascending to the heavens from the midst of the rubble. The initial candle was 20” tall and hand-shaped. In order to make multiples, I made a silicone mold. I taught myself how to make candles and how to make silicone molds. The candles were just something special I did for myself. Then when my husband and I got married we decided to do it as a side hustle. In November 2020, we jumped all in.

Describe your day as a business owner.

Complex, challenging and rewarding. Candles are just one facet of our artistic practice. I paint and we create wearable art. Every day may be different depending on what day it is and the season. For example, Mondays we have a breakfast business meeting, and the rest of the day is allocated for administration.

However, I start my day with mediation and journaling. Some mornings we do a 1.5-2 mile walk. We look at what is planned for the day, block out times and execute.


What are your creation and production processes?

I do most of the idea generation. I am influenced by fashion (the use of color combinations) and my love of nature while Kyle has a vintage flair and urban styling. Kyle and I will then discuss. The ideas evolve as both viewpoints are combined. We then make decisions. New ideas take a time to develop. It may involve creating new shapes and new molds. Candles require testing to make sure the fragrance ratio and the quality of the burn are correct. Our molded candles are poured in two parts and require two days to completely set.

What was the hardest thing for you to get started?

Life got in the way numerous times. We started right after Kyle’s father passed away. 2020 forced us to examine our lives. My previous job left me physically and mentally worn out and momentum was difficult to sustain. We came up with a plan and jumped all in.

What are some pieces of advice you would give to aspiring entrepreneurs/Makers?

Follow your dreams. Have a plan. Figure out how to be sustainable while you’re following you’re dreams. Don’t give up hope and stay true to yourself.

What does "success" look like to you?

Success for us is to give back to the community. Success is the ability to use our platform to nurture artists of all ages. We’d love to create a space where a person could develop their art and get assistance with their creative journey.

Diamond Cheek, Digital Marketing Coordinator

Diamond Cheek is currently studying Digital Marketing in the Masters Program at Rutgers University-Newark. She has also received her Bachelors of Science at Rutgers in Leadership and Management. Over the years, digital marketing and content creation, have become a passion of hers which has lead her to apply her skills to the virtual and physical business world.